How dentists fight wrinkles: the difference between wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers
Whether we like it or not, ageing comes with the inevitable wrinkles. As such, more and more cosmetic and even dental services offer anti-wrinkle procedures to reduce the intensity of wrinkles on the face and around the mouth. These usually take the form of wrinkle relaxer and dermal filler injections. Each addresses a variety of common issues and are overall designed to improve the skin and grant a youthful appearance to their recipients. If you've been looking for a cosmetic change or an effective form of anti-ageing remedy, you may consider consulting a health or dental professional about these treatments.
Wrinkle relaxers
Wrinkle relaxers, sometimes referred to as Botox, which is actually a wrinkle relaxer product, are specially designed injections that, as the name suggests, fights the spread of wrinkles. They were first introduced to the dental world for their therapeutic properties. Not only do wrinkle relaxers minimise discomfort sometimes prevalent in the jaw, but they also relieve tendencies to grind and clench teeth, which often leads to excessive wear and requires a dentist's attention to fix. This is because they contain certain natural proteins that work to relax the muscles of the face.
Beyond that, some dental offices have started employing wrinkle relaxers as an additional service aimed at improving or rejuvenating the appearance of the face. Using fine needles, a doctor or dentist injects wrinkle relaxer into various muscles around the mouth and face as part of a process that takes about 30 minutes, but sees results that can last up to four months. The procedure can help with a number of wrinkle-related ailments including smokers' lines surrounding the mouth, crow's feet at the side of the eyes, frown and forehead lines, 'gummy smiles' and more. As a whole, wrinkle relaxers focus more on the entire face and areas around the mouth.
Dermal fillers
While dermal fillers are injectable gels, made from a complex sugar found in skin cells, that similarly work to combat against cosmetic ageing and wrinkles, they differ from wrinkle relaxers in that they pay more attention to the volume of a patient's skin and lips. Injections to areas just beneath the surface of the skin can plump up or fill that area for a fuller and more youthful look. Numerous people turn to dermal fillers to assist with poorly distinguishable or thin lips, a lack of noticeable definition in the cheeks or chin, marionette lines reaching from the lips to the chin and nasolabial folds from the nose to the lips.
Overall, both wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers can be injected in a single session to minimise wrinkles and improve appearance as desired and then re-injected a few months later for continued effect. If you're curious, contact your local dental clinic to see whether they offer these services.