Understanding the Dental Coverage Offered by Medicare

Medicare is the social medical insurance program offered in the United States to persons age 65 and older, and who have worked and paid taxes or contributed to the coverage. It can also be used by those under 65 who have certain disabilities. 

The healthcare coverage offered by Medicare can be limited, and many seniors and other Medicare users wonder if dental coverage is offered. Before you sign up for Medicare, it's good to access the actual government website that explains what is and what is not covered, but note some important points about dental coverage under this plan:

1. Basic services

It's important to know that basic dental services are not covered under Medicare. This includes routine cleaning and exams, x-rays, tooth extractions, and the like. Medicare also does not cover what might be considered cosmetic procedures, such as caps, bonding, and veneers. 

Basic services that are not covered by Medicare will also include dental equipment and materials; this means that it won't cover dentures, either new or replacement. Dental plates and tooth implants are also not covered.

2. Hospital services

While basic and routine services and dental supplies are not covered, note that Medicare may pay for certain dental procedures that need to be performed when you're in the hospital. This would fall under Medicare Part A, or hospital coverage. 

This dental procedure typically needs to be an integral part of another necessary medical procedure. For example, if you need to have reconstructive surgery on your jaw, or if you need to have teeth extracted in order to prepare for certain treatment of diseases of the jaw, Medicare may cover these procedures. If teeth need to be removed or other procedures performed to remove a tumor in the jaw area, this too may be covered under Medicare Part A.

3. Knowing what is and is not included

Because it can be difficult to know if a dental procedure is included in your Medicare coverage, you want to ensure you talk to your doctor before having any procedure performed. You may be surprised to find that Medicare will only pay for part of a procedure or for something like tooth extraction, but not for an implant or dentures to replace the missing tooth.

Talk to your doctor about the costs involved and know what to expect by way of out-of-pocket expenses, so you can make an informed decision about your medical care when using Medicare insurance.

Contact a company such as Hillarys Dental Care if you have any questions.
