Questions to Ask Your Dentist About Dental Implants

A dental implant is a false tooth that is permanently implanted into your jaw line so that it takes the place of missing teeth without having to be removed like dentures. A dental implant is often easier to manage than dentures since you don't need to worry about food getting caught between it and the gums and don't need to clean it separately from your other teeth. If you're thinking of a dental implant or your dentist has recommended an implant, note a few questions to ask first. This will ensure you know what's involved and care for your new tooth or teeth properly.

1. Always ask the cause of your original tooth loss

Your dentist will probably discuss your overall oral health with you when you need a dental implant, but be sure you ask about this if it hasn't been explained to you. This will ensure that you do everything you can to avoid losing more teeth, such as from improper oral hygiene, bone loss in the jaw, and the like. You should know why you lost a tooth in first place and need a dental implant so you can care for your other teeth properly or know signs to look for when it comes to potential tooth loss and have your teeth checked as soon as possible in those cases.

2. Note if there is a risk that your body will reject the implant

Typically the only time your body will permanently reject a dental implant is if you're allergic to titanium, which is very rare. However, if an infection should form under the implant or around the area of the implant, you may need to have it removed. In many cases you can wait until the infection clears up and then try for another implant, but your dentist can monitor the health of your gums and note if that's an option for you. Be sure you ask about signs of an infection so you can have it treated as soon as possible.

3. Ask what signs to look for when it comes to gum disease

You need to understand the signs of gum disease because a dental implant won't decay like other teeth, but it does rely on the health of your gums to keep it in place. You need to care for your oral health properly and see your dentist regularly and also ensure you get a checkup at the first sign of gum disease or irritation so you protect the stability of your dental implant. For more information, contact a business such as Cambridge City Dental.
