Cosmetic Dental Procedures You Could Contemplate

Although cosmetic dentistry used to be popular with the rich and the elite, it has now garnered a following with regular folks who would like to improve upon their smiles. Cosmetic dental procedures are no longer exorbitantly priced, and some insurance providers actually cover some of the treatments available. In this day and age, cosmetic dentistry does not only concentrate on aesthetic treatments, but is also inclusive of restorative procedures that will bring your damaged teeth back to their former glory. If you would like to improve upon your smile, here are some of the cosmetic dental procedures that you could contemplate.

Cosmetic dental onlays and inlays

Dental onlays and inlays are also commonly referred to as indirect fillings. These are employed by your cosmetic dentist in the event that one or multiple teeth have developed moderate decay but do not have sufficient structure in their tooth remaining for a conventional filling to suffice. A dental inlay will be placed right on the damaged surface of the tooth after the dentist has extracted the decay. This type of treatment will be used if the cusps of your teeth have not been affected by the decay. On the other hand, if the cusps of your teeth have been damaged too, the cosmetic dentist will opt for a dental onlay that will cover the entire surface of the damaged tooth. Both inlays and onlays are manufactured from resin. This resin is applied to your teeth using a dental adhesive. Once applied, the inlays and onlays both work toward restoring the original shape of the teeth thus making them stronger. They also prevent further decay from occurring.

Cosmetic composite bonding

If your teeth have become severely discoloured, acquired decay or are simply damaged, composite bonding is one of the treatment options that your cosmetic dentist may opt for. With this type of treatment, the cosmetic dentist starts by drilling out the damaged parts of your teeth. Once these have been eliminated, they will then apply the composite bonding on the affected area and reshape it to the original state of your teeth. Once the sculpting is finished, the cosmetic dentist will then cure the composite bonding using a high intensity light. This works toward bonding the composite onto the tooth while hardening it at the same time. This type of cosmetic procedure works well for chips and cracks in your teeth too, as you would not be required to extract the damaged tooth.
