Different Types of Mouthguards You Could Consider

Mouthguards are oral devices made from either laminate or soft plastic. They function to protect the teeth, inner cheeks, tongue, jaw and mouth of the wearer from acquiring injuries. These injuries could stem from playing sports, teeth grinding and more. If you a predisposed to getting oral injuries, lack of wearing a mouthguard could lead to chipped or cracked teeth, fractured jaws or lacerations on your tongue and inner cheeks. Mouthguards also work toward enhancing the protection off dental work that has been done including bridgework, crowns and dental implants. Here are some of the different types of mouthguards that you could consider depending on your needs and overall budget.

Stock mouthguards 

These types of mouthguards are mass-produced and are ready to wear. They tend to be the most affordable option for individuals who may be shopping for a mouthguard on a budget. Stock mouthguards are typically purchased at department stores, pharmacies and sports stores. It should be noted though that stock mouthguards cannot be adjusted to fit your individual oral measurements. As such, some users may find the too bulky for their mouths. This in turn may cause several inconveniences such as impeding your breathing or not providing adequate oral protection.

Boil and bite mouthguards

These types of mouthguards can also be purchased over the counter at pharmacies and at sports stores. They tend to offer a better fit as when compared to stock mouthguards. The material that they are made out of is thermoplastic. As the name suggests, to use the mouthguard, you would first have to place it in boiling water so as to make the thermoplastic malleable. Once the material has softened, the mouthguard is inserted into the wearer's mouth. You then bite down on the mouth guard and shape its sides by pressing them against the contours of your jaw and teeth.

Custom-made mouthguards

Custom-made mouthguards are designed to meet an individual's specific needs using their individual measurements. They are typically created in a dental office or in professional laboratories. To get this type of mouthguard, your dentist will first create an impression of your dental formula. This impression is then used to mould the mouthguard using specialized materials. Due to the types of materials used to create this mouthguard, as well as the labour involved to create an exact match, they tend to be more expensive than other types of mouthguards. However, they also are the best option if you are looking for a mouthguard that will provide you with full protection while still being comfortable to wear. 
