Dental Visits | 3 Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Are Starting To Grow

Wisdom teeth grow at the end of your mouth behind the molars and are usually the last set to grow. Most often, this growth occurs in your adolescent or adult years, which can end up being particularly painful in some instances. This guide helps you identify some signs that your wisdom teeth are starting to grow. Depending on your particular situation, your dentist may advise you to retain them or extract them.

Sudden Or Gradual Pressure Or Pain In The Back Of Your Mouth

When you start feeling sudden or gradual pressure or pain in the back of your mouth, it could be because your wisdom teeth are starting to grow. They can start growing gradually and may start fully developing over the next few years. The pain or pressure usually occurs because your jaws aren't big enough to accommodate these additional teeth in your mouth. In some cases, teeth remain dormant under the gums and emerge slowly over time. This causes gum tenderness, toothaches and other types of pain, which may ultimately lead to headaches. If you notice this pressure or pain in the back of your mouth, visit your dentist immediately to determine the right course of action.

Other Teeth Start Becoming Misaligned And Crooked

When wisdom teeth start to fully emerge, they often have to break through the gums and may get into the way of other teeth next to them. This added pressure causes your other teeth to become misaligned and crooked. If the pressure is too intense, bacteria and infections may start to form around the misaligned or crooked teeth. Teeth misalignments need to be treated by a professional dentist to ensure that the damage is not long term. If left untreated, you may have to extract the crooked and infected teeth adjacent to your wisdom teeth.

Niggling Jaw Soreness Leading To Neck And Ear Pain

Most often people tend to write off niggling soreness in jaws to a temporary problem without realising that it could be because of growing wisdom teeth. But if you notice jaw soreness accompanied with neck, head and ear pain, then it could be because of your wisdom teeth growing into a jaw that cannot handle it. You may need to do an x-ray when you visit the dentist to determine whether your wisdom teeth are starting to grow or not. This will help you and your dentist prepare a corrective course of action to prevent soreness.

If you notice any of these signs of growing wisdom teeth, be sure to visit your dentist as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse over time.
