Damage Limitation: 6 Ways to Stop Oral Piercings from Damaging Your Teeth and Gums

Body piercings are as much a part of fashion in society today as other more conventional modes of expression, such as clothing and hairstyles. However, while oral piercings are often attractive, they do come with certain risks to your health. According to a recent study, tongue piercings can damage tooth enamel and also cause gums to recede. Lip piercings too, have been found to cause damage to teeth and gums. 

While this is worrying for anyone with oral piercings, that doesn't mean this mode of of self-expression is completely out of bounds. It simply means you need to be aware of the risks and be vigilant when it comes to monitoring and maintaining your oral health while you wear your oral piercing. 

If you are currently exploring the possibility of getting an oral piercing, or already have one, consider these six forms of protection for the sake of your gums and teeth. 

1. Opt for Acrylic Balls

Acrylic is softer than metal and therefore easier on your teeth and gums. However, there is still the risk that you may bite down on the ball while eating or talking, so take care to ensure piercings are as tight as possible without being uncomfortable. 

2. Place the Piercing Further Back on Your Tongue

The further back on your tongue your piercing is, the lower the risk of catching it on your front teeth. 

3. Wear a Flat Disc on the Bottom of Your Tongue Piercing

The lower ball on the underside of tongue piercings, especially with new piercings, can collide with teeth and gums. Wear a flat disc instead to avoid this risk. 

4. Choose BioPlast Piercings to Reduce the Damage

Bioplast is soft and flexible, and won't break like acrylic if bitten down on. For lip piercings, a BioPlast labret stud is often the safest choice. 

5. Don't Play with Piercings

It can be tempting to jostle or fidget with lip and tongue piercings. Avoid doing this as the constant movement of the piercing will eventually wear down teeth, and cause gum recession. 

6. Choose a Flat Disc Backing for Lip Piercings

Flat discs, as with tongue piercings, are a good option for lip piercings. This will reduce the pressure on your gums. 

As well as the above measures, always maintain good oral hygiene, eat nutritious food, and clean your lip piercing several times a day to avoid infection. You should also collaborate with a dentist to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy and damage-free.  
