A Reproval for DIY Brace Removal: 4 Life-Changing Outcomes of Removing Your Braces Yourself

In recent years, self-administered dental work has become a worryingly common trend. It is in fact so serious currently that 13% of orthodontists have seen patients that have carried out dental work on themselves. Quite often, DIY dental work worsens an issue that could have easily been dealt with by a professional dentist or orthodontist.

If you are currently wearing braces but are unhappy with them, do not attempt to remove them yourself. That's a job for an orthodontist, most of whom take approximately 10-11 years to learn their craft. You have neither the tools nor the knowledge to safely and completely remove an orthodontic appliance such as braces. Many things could go wrong, some so serious that your dental health could suffer for the rest of your life.

Removing the Dental Bonding Will be Difficult

In the very best case scenario, you may manage to somehow remove the wire and the brackets from your teeth. But then you will be left with the dental bonding that was used to glue those brackets to your teeth. This could leave your teeth cosmetically challenged. For example, if the bonding stains or is already stained, your entire smile zone will suffer.

Dental bonding is not easy to remove. And because it is glued directly on to the surface of your teeth, chipping it off or even trying to sand it off may damage the enamel of your teeth. The best thing to do in this circumstance is to get an orthodontist or dentist to remove the bonding with a dental finishing strip.

Your Teeth Could be Badly Damaged

While removing the brackets, which will likely require a tool such as a pair of pliers or the like, there is a high likelihood of you breaking or chipping at least one tooth. One slip, or one mistaken twist of the wrist and you could have a soon to be case of pulpitis on your hands.

Even if you don't break a single tooth, you could chip or slightly damage several teeth while attempting to lever off the brackets.

That Damage Could Lead to Extensive Decay

All bacteria need to cause havoc in your mouth is a food supply, which is the food you eat--or the nerve in the center of a broken tooth--and plenty of surfaces upon which to thrive. Those surfaces are usually your teeth. If several of your teeth become damaged during your DIY dentistry attempt, then all those chips, cracks, and fissures will become infested with bacteria.

The acid they produce will eat away at the exposed innards of those teeth and you could very quickly find yourself with multiple infected teeth.

Your Wallet and Your Dental Health Will Suffer

Naturally, as a result of the damage, you have two choices to make. You can either live with the damage, which means toothaches, dental abscesses, gum disease and the eventual deterioration of your smile and confidence, or you can pay to get the damage fixed. Neither option is attractive, and both are expensive.

No matter what your reasons, don't try to remove your brace or anyone else's brace for that matter, unless of course you are a licensed orthodontist.

Call your dentist and explain your problem to them. If money is the issue, they may be able to offer you a payment plan. If you are simply fed up with your braces, it is your choice, not your orthodontist's, as to whether you keep them on or not. Don't risk your future dental health and bank account, get a professional dentist to do the job properly--and safely. 
