Are Clear Aligners a Better Option if You Want to Get Your Teeth Straightened?

Many people still think that they only have one option if they want to have their teeth straightened, and that is to get traditional braces. However, this is not the case, especially if you are an adult, as you can select clear aligners as an alternative. What is involved with this approach, and are they right in your case?

New Approach

Technicians developed clear aligners as an option to traditional braces in recent years. They are made from plastic trays that can be removed as needed and fit securely onto the top of your existing teeth. Patients will normally wear them for most of their waking day for a couple of weeks, before going back to the dentist to get another set that's designed to work on the newly shifted teeth.


Don't confuse these trays with a conventional mouthguard, as they are not "one size fits all." In fact, they are computer-generated based on the information that the orthodontist will enter. You will likely need to go through a number of different sets of these clear aligners, and the specialist will draw up a plan according to his or her projections. Each subsequent set will be different, based on how your teeth are realigning as the plan progresses. In certain cases, you may need to wear these aligners for a year or more to achieve the desired result.


The beauty of this approach is that you can be flexible if you want to and wear them according to your particular requirements. For example, you don't have to wear them when you're sleeping if you find that this is awkward, and you can take them out altogether if you're going to an important social occasion. Even though they are difficult to see when you're having a casual conversation with somebody, some adults are nonetheless self-conscious.

Initial Assessment

This option may not be suitable for you if you have an advanced condition that will require more detailed observation as the treatment progresses. The dentist needs to determine the quality of your "bite" at the outset, to see how your teeth interact with one another. Careful measurements will be taken before the correct course of action is decided and the dentist will always want to avoid the onset of any bite problems.

Trying Both Systems

If clear aligners are not initially indicated, you may nevertheless be able to come up with a plan that includes both systems at certain stages. In other words, you might have to use traditional braces to start off, particularly if your teeth are not "matching" well when you bite down. However, once the initial realignment has been successful, you might be eligible to choose clear aligners for precision work thereafter.

What Is Your Option?

Have a word with your orthodontist to see what tooth-straightening solution is going to work well in your case.
