Essential Dental Tips for All Family Members

When you're living a hectic lifestyle, it's easy to slip into bad dental habits. However, the more you do for your and your family's teeth now, the better your chances of enjoying long-lasting excellent dental health. Here are some tips that every family member can use.

Focus on Fluoride

Fluoride is an essential tool that helps your enamel stay strong. When your enamel is strong, you're less likely to suffer from cavities and their secondary effects — including the need for tooth removal. However, the amount of fluoride you need will vary according to your age. Because of this, make sure everyone in your household uses a toothpaste or mouthwash that's appropriate for their age. If you're unsure, ask your dentist next time you go for a family dental checkup.

Maintain a Routine

As soon as your little one's baby teeth appear, you need to incorporate brushing into their routine. Making sure you all brush your teeth twice a day is crucial if you want to ensure that you all have healthy teeth for life. However, brushing alone may not be enough to keep gum disease at bay. You should also use mouthwash and floss so that you remove as many bacteria-attracting food particles as you can. To make things easier for your little one, try using a flavoured mouth wash that they'll enjoy.

Don't Rinse After Brushing

To make sure the fluoride in your toothpaste has a chance to remain effective, don't rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. Rinsing your mouth with water may feel instinctive, but it's also likely to wash a lot of the fluoride away. For the best results, brush your teeth for two minutes, spit out any excess toothpaste, and then leave the remainder on the surface of your teeth so the fluoride can do its job.

Change Toothbrushes Every Quarter

You should change everyone's toothbrushes four times a year to make sure they stay effective and hygienic. When you use a toothbrush for too long, the bristles become soft and they're less effective. They also disperse, which means they cover less surface area than a newer brush. Additionally, they won't remain as hygienic, which means they won't be effective in banishing bacteria. If you buy your toothbrushes in bulk at the start of each year, this task will become easier and you'll save money.

Finally, make sure you attend your family dental appointments every six months so that your dentist can help you tailor your oral healthcare plan if necessary.
