How to Tell If a Dental Abscess Has Begun to Spread

The most common sign that you have a dental infection is pain and sensitivity. This pain usually worsens as the infection grows. But most dental infections usually result in an abscess, which forms due to infected material leaking from a tooth and into the surrounding area. Once an abscess forms, there is a risk that the infection may spread via the blood vessels to other parts of the body.

If you have a tooth infection, and you are experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, then your dental infection may have begun to spread throughout your body. This is cause for emergency dental treatment.

You feel dizzy

If you feel dizzy and are having problems balancing yourself while walking, the infection may have spread to the nerves inside your ears. Your ears help you to maintain your balance. So if you have begun to feel dizzy and have a tooth infection, the infection may now be affecting your ears too.

You have a fever

Fever often follows the onset of a tooth infection. This is your body's attempt to remove the infection. However, fever may also be a sign of impending sepsis, which is when the body's immune system goes into overdrive and causes widespread tissue damage. If you have started to become feverous, consider calling an emergency dentist.

You have developed a sinus infection

If you have a dental infection in an upper tooth, then the infection may cause sinusitis or a sinus infection. Studies show that up to 40% of sinus infections originate from a dental source, such as a tooth infection in an upper tooth.

You have persistent swelling

Swelling is a normal side effect of a tooth infection. Swelling occurs when the infection spreads into the tissues surrounding an infected tooth. But if the swelling doesn't go away, and continues to worsen, you need to seek emergency dental care. The swelling could begin to affect your airway and make it difficult for you to breath.

Once a dentist removes the infected tooth, the swelling will gradually subside.

You are having trouble breathing

These are all signs that you need urgent dental care. If you wait much longer, the infection could spread even further throughout your body. If you have a dental infection, and you are experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, call an emergency dentist immediately. You need a dentist to remove the infected tooth before the infection can spread any further.
